So many of you have reached out, asking details, where to send things, what my plans are....
We are finalizing decisions about where to have surgery, in Colorado or here in the Boston area. I should know within a day. I'll be relieved, in a way, when the decision is made, and it's then time to walk through the door (Yikes!). Until I know where I'll have surgery, I wont know what address to give you. Thank you for your patience, I'll update in a day or so.
In the meantime, I read this when I woke up this morning, after a sleepless night, written by Erika Luckett, who once sang at the ST George Concert Series. IT had a soothing effect on me. Maybe it will soothe you too.
Love, Ali
What if?
What if?
What if
is an opening for love?
Frustration, an invitation for patience?
What if every wound
weeps its own balm for healing?
Every question beckons an answer
like rhythm inspires a dancer
to move and express
the thing that has yet to be revealed.
Life generously offers
a steady stream
of uninvited guests,
unsolicited opportunities,
to shake us
from listless slumber-
the accident, the quiet sorrow, the inconsolable cry for what can’t be solved.
What if
when life breaks in a way unplanned
light shines through the fracture
giving us a chance to understand
the riddle within the mystery?
Our present is our history
until we heal our past.
What if
suffering grows compassion
conflict settles into understanding?
What if
in this ever changing day to day
every trouble that comes our way
is an opportunity
to grow and evolve,
to reveal a new direction,
a truer expression
always closer to perfection...?
Meaning –
clearer, nearer
to the dear Beloved One.
What if
you and I
the bees and the bear
the stars and the sun
together embody
the singular presence
of the Infinite One?
What if
we move beyond
“what” “where” “why” and “how”
and simply ask
“What would Love do now?”
What a beautiful share Ali, I trust you wholeheartedly. Take the time and the space you need. Keep walking with courage.
Dearest Ali, What a beautiful poem. These images, with you at the center, have come to mind often this week. Sending stubborn hope and much love from this coast to the other! Lill and Steve
What an amazing poem of hope. Yes, there is a balm in Gilead, weeping healing from its own wound. Oh how I wish you this balm, dear friend....
What if? Excellent- thanks for sharing and blessings surround you and family
I love this!