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  • Writer's pictureAli

Heading West

Hitting the road tomorrow to head back to Boulder. The Oncologist we wanted will see us on the 24th, perhaps sooner if something opens up, and then surgery shortly after that.

The time here was very important, learning so much from Jason and Helen and their lovely family. The ocean has been a soothing setting while we did the difficult work of decision making. And let me say clearly, it was more than difficult. Having made the decision to have surgery in Boulder frees something up inside that was tightly wrapped in scary decision making. It will be bittersweet to leave this place, where we have been welcomed so well, and with the sadness of leaving the ocean, I imagine being closer to many of you soon.

We will drive back to Boulder. When George heard about my diagnosis, he was visiting family in Upstate New York. He left his van and hopped a plan to be with me quickly. Now we will retrieve the van and head West toward Boulder. If an earlier Oncologist apt opens up, I'll hop a plane from wherever we are. In less than a week, we will be there.

So much more to write about the deeper pieces of all of this, but the ocean is calling to me. Cherishing each bit of sand and water I can get before leaving. The beauty of something so vast, so rhythmic, something that carries and remains and is bigger than me and this and now.

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3 comentários

Lillian Larsen
Lillian Larsen
20 de out. de 2018

Dearest Ali, Wishing you George safe travels, and both joy and peace in this journey. All will be well, truly, all will be well! Much love, Lill


Margaret Steinruck
Margaret Steinruck
19 de out. de 2018

Love you, Aunt Ali. Safe travels to Boulder, and know that we are sending you all our love 💜


16 de out. de 2018

I didn't know how much you were loving the ocean. I'm imagining that now. I hope you enjoy the drive. Love, Jenna

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